Vladimir todorović

Kreativno edukativni centar
Eu projekti, obuke, kec udruženje kreativno edukativni centar - obuka u pisanju eu projekata vladimir todorović
Vladimir Todorović

Vladimir Todorović je diplomirani inženjer – master elektrotehnike i računarstva na Departmanu za energetiku, elektroniku i telekomunikacije, smer Mikroračunarska elektronika. Doktorant na departmanu za industrijsko inženjerstvo i inženjerski menadžment. Na poziciji Šefa službe za međunarodnu saradnju od osnivanja službe 2010. godine. Vladimir je jedan od najpoznatijih predavača na svim relevantnim institucijama koje se bave EU projektima. U javnosti je poznat i po projektu iDEAlab koji se istakao u raznim humanitarnim akcijama. Trenutno je zaposlen na Novosadskom univerzitetu. EU projektima se bavi od davne 2003. godine.


1. “Implementation of Students’ Parliament in Serbia – ISPAS” 2006. – 2008. Co-author (Budget 125.000 EUR, 3 countries, 10 consortium members)

2. “Fostering students’ entrepreneurship and open innovation in university – industry collaboration – iDEA Lab” Co-Author and project manager 2013. – 2016.
(Budget 823.285 EUR, 8 countries, 18 consortium members)

3. “Mastering innovation in Serbia through development and implementation of interdisciplinary post-graduate curricula in innovation management – MAIN” Project team member 2013. – 2016. (Budget 773.000 EUR, 5 countries, 15 consortium members)

1. Maria Sklodowska Kiri Action – “European Researchers Night” in Serbia, Friend2U, Author and
project manager in years 2014-2015.

2. Maria Sklodowska Kiri Action – “European Researchers Night” in Serbia, Cool&Hot, Author and
project manager in years 2016-2017.

3. Maria Sklodowska Kiri Action – “European Researchers Night” in Serbia, ReConNect, Author and
project manager in years 2018-2019.

1. „EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production-XDEGREE”, Project Manager deputy, 2017. – 2020. (Budget 1.696.336 EUR, 2 countries, 5 consortium members)

2. „Cross-Border IT network for competitiveness, innovation and entrepreneurship-XBIT“, Project manager, 2017. – 2020. (Budget 562.256 EUR, 2 countries, 5 consortium members)

3.“Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings – RESCUE” 2019. – 2021., Financial manager (Budget 1.936.989 EUR, 2 countries, 5 consortium members)

1. “European Researchers Night” in Serbia, All we are researchers, Author and Organizer in years 2010., 2011., 2012. 2013.

IPA Cross-border Hungary – Serbia

1. „Joint development of curricula and teaching materials of mechanical engineer on MSc. Level – DEVMECUR” Serbia-Hungary 2013. – 2014., Financial manager . (Budget 165.560 EUR, 2 countries, 2 consortium members)


1. “European youth week in Novi Sad – eYouWiNS” Author and organizer in years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010.